domingo, 28 de fevereiro de 2010


TASK1: Online/Distance education country profile
a) Choose one of the countries listed hereafter: Canada, Finland, Portugal,Germany, Greece, France, Sweden, and Brazil.
b) Register the choice of your group on the WIKI page “e-Learning Countryprofile” of the course Web site:a. If the country has already been chosen by another group, choseanother one: the group that has registered the first has priority;b. If not register your country choice;
c) Browse the Web and search for relevant information in order to describe thecurrent online or open and distance education profile of the selected country; published documents, reports, analysis, etc. can also be used;
d) Focus your search on key “facts and figures”;
e) Find out which is the most important open and distance/online educationorganization in this country and present its main characteristics(demographics, financial, etc.);
f) Point out strengths and weaknesses of the current of the e-Learning situation;
g) The references related to facts figures and comments must be mentioned(URL of the Web pages, sources of documents, etc.);
h) Write a paper of 5 pages, including tables and charts in MS-Word format (fontsize, 12);
i) Publish your group work on the Moodle course web site in the “Assignment01-Task1” folder;
j) Assessment - grades: 20 points; part of the group work portfolio (group workportfolio: 50% of total grade).
k) Use the forum “Assignment01”, topic “Task1”, for questions and comments;
l) Deadline: Sunday 07 March 2010.

TASK2: e-Learning instructional system profiles
a) Considering an e-Learning instructional approach, compare the instructionalsystem profiles in the three following cases:
a. Conventional face-to-face teaching in classroom
b. Online training via the Web
c. Blended learning

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