quarta-feira, 12 de maio de 2010

I was the author of proposal of the project, because I`m teacher in the Groupment of Schools and Kindergarten D. Lourenço Vicente, in Lourinhã, and the sexual education is a area that interesting me so much. I`m biology/geology teacher, and much times I was confrated with collegues wich are not anable with this theme. So teachers feel some constraints to address the sex education issue, mainly due to the mentality and cultural stances of the parents as well as from the students mainly due to the conservatism of the social environment. There are still many doubts, and the teachers face many problems with the planning and implementation of sex education contents in their classes. In the real context the choiced project it's very important to make the change of mentality of the teachers.
In the beginning I was the Pedagogical designer, but different tasks and a loss of member of the group allows to reorganize the roles and sometimes all of us do the same thing.
This discipline was completely different from the what I usually do or teach, but in my groupment, it was very important tasks, because we ussualy done contests international projects and we need to do the candidatura.
We provide support, research and analytical inputs in the several phases of this project, taking part in the common work process.
We mostly used the chat as an interactive tool such as all the mails we purchase.I think I participate in an active way like my colleges in the learning activities, with colaborative work.

organization group

• When have joint meetings been organized? What are the minutes?

• In how far has the task scheduling been respected?
• Were the individual inputs relevant in content and quality, and produced in

• Has team work been efficient?
• Which organizational problems did the team have to face and which solutions did it find to solve them?

Each member of the team should define individually the following:

• What has been my role(s) in the group?

• What are my inputs?

• What did I achieve?

• What have I learned from this project work?

terça-feira, 11 de maio de 2010

Uma vez que nós quatro já tínhamos trabalhado juntos, e partilhado tarefas comuns, uma das condições para o bom funcionamento do grupo foi a confiança mútua que existiu entre os seus membros, permitindo que os seus membros cumprissem todas as suas tarefas/reflexões, num processo de cooperação. O grupo funcionou de forma colaborativa, com um sentimento de reforço positivo pelo trabalho desenvolvido levando a uma maior facilidade em resolver os problemas que foram surgindo. No entanto, e uma vez que ficamos só 4, tornou-se difícil cumprir os prazos, incluindo as várias situações profissionais e pessoais, mas tentamos sempre fazer o nosso melhor. Todos estes factores levaram a uma coesão entre os membros do grupo.
As reuniões decorriam à noite ou ao fim de semana, promovendo a discussão saudável entre os vários membros de forma a encontrar o acordo mútuo entre as várias opiniões.
Utilizamos diversas ferramentas úteis, já referidas, mas a wiki, não se tornou num recurso útil, optando o grupo pela utilização do Google docs e o site criado.
A cada um dos membros foi atribuída uma determinada função, mas ao longo do trabalho, esses papéis foram-se “diluindo”, com a necessidade de partilhar as várias tarefas uma vez que o grupo estava reduzido em número.