domingo, 7 de março de 2010

b) For each of the three cases, assign a value on a scale going from 0 up to 20 toeach of the e-Learning profile components, as they are presented in the “e-Learning concept” syllabus;
c) Discuss the issue within your group;
d) For each assigned value, justify your choice;
e) To do this use the “Google Documents” server to create the table of values,save the file in the Excel format (<*.xls>;
f) Use the MS-Excel software to create for each case a radar type chart with theMS-Excel-Chart feature;
g) Submit the group work paper of 3 pages maximum with comments, charts,and conclusions in a MS-Word format.
h) Publish a copy of your group work on the ‘Moodle’ course Web site in thefolder named “Assignment01-Task2”.
i) Assessment - grades: 20 points; part of the group work portfolio (group workportfolio: 50% of total grade).
j) Use the forum “Assignment01”, topic “Task2”, for questions and comments;

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